Bloomington Kennedy Activities Foundation (BKAF) has three grant programs available during the year. Funding is limited. We contact all applicants regarding the status of their request. Please provide current contact information on your application. Direct questions regarding grant requests to or
Group Grant Application
Grants may be requested by registered booster groups of activities at Kennedy High School. In the event there is no registered group, a coach, advisor, or staff member may also make a request. Grants may be requested by groups for equipment, uniforms, training, or other expenses of the extracurricular activity.
Cooperative programs are allowed to make grant requests however BKAF will prorate the maximum award based on the percentage of Kennedy students engaged in the activity... 1-10%: $250, 11-50%: $500, 50%+: $1000.
Requests are limited to a maximum of $1,000.
There will be three grant cycles per school year. The application will be open the first Monday through the second Friday of each July, October and Feburary. Group grant requests that fall outside these dates will not be accepted.
All group grant recipients will be required to complete a brief information survey prior to the end of the school year. All documentation regarding purchases with grant funds should be retained by the groups and transmitted to BKAF upon request. Access to the survey is available by clicking here.
Individual Grant Application
Families who are experiencing current or anticipated financial difficulties in covering the costs of an activity or sport may request a grant on behalf of individual students in grades 9-12 participating in activities at Kennedy High School. Students in grades 7-8 participating in Kennedy athletic programs which are currently unavailable in their middle school are also eligible.
Grants can be used to help pay fees, equipment, uniforms, training, or other expenses that are not covered by the extracurricular program but are necessary for the student to participate in their activity. At this point in time, we are not issuing grants for spirit wear purchases.
Students applying for help with athletic participation fees must be registered for the activity before applying. Read the document Registering Under Special Consideration for more details.
A coach, advisor, or other staff member may also request grants on behalf of the student.
Beginning with the 23-24 school year requests are limited to $200 per school year per student. Submissions for the 24-25 school year will begin on July 1, 2024.
There is no deadline for completing an individual grant request. Grant requests should occur in the same year they will be used.
Funds granted will be distributed to the school, Kennedy coach/advisor/staff member on behalf of the student.
IMpact Grant Application
Open to any representative of a KHS school sanctioned activity, as defined by the school principal and school district policies. This includes all academic, athletic, extracurricular programs, and clubs that are officially sanctioned by KHS.
Grant proposals up to $5,000 that meet BKAF mission guidelines will be considered
Impact Grants are reserved for highly exceptional or unique opportunities for KHS students. BKAF will use great discretion in awarding these grants and anticipates awarding no more than one to two per fiscal year. To be given consideration, Impact grant requests should address as many of the following criteria as possible:
Impact the greatest number of current KHS students.
Be matched or surpassed by fundraising efforts of a booster club or students
Impact students beyond the requesting activity or sport
Demonstrate a great financial need
Represent unique, one-time, exceptional opportunities for students
Raise the profile of KHS at the regional or national level
Have a lasting, multi-year impact or repeat potential
Have expressed support from school principal or activities director
Open for consideration at any time
Impact grant requests will be reviewed and approved by the BKAF board. Allow two weeks for the review and approval process.
All Impact grant recipients will be required to complete a brief information survey prior to the end of the school year and provide a testimonial that may be used in BKAF promotion. All documentation regarding purchases with grant funds should be retained by the groups and transmitted to BKAF upon request.
BKAF Impact grants cannot be used to fund the following:
Innovative educational curriculum material, classroom equipment, or an experiential event in classrooms and programs at KHS. Requests of this nature should be made through the Education Foundation of Bloomington.
Ongoing or typical yearly activity expenses like uniforms, equipment, team building events, etc. Requests of this nature should be made through the BKAF group grant request process.
School or capital investments that do not directly involve or engage students or student activities. e.g. Monitors or signage to promote student activities in the school.
Individual salaries or stipends, as dictated by school district’s guidelines
Requests for re-granting. e.g. A group requesting $1,000 for a charitable gift to a non-profit.
Establishing endowments or annual funds or scholarship programs
Debt retirement for booster clubs or activities accounts that are in arrears
Partisan political organizations or campaigns
Efforts to fund lobbying efforts to influence legislative decisions